NMS GT Primary Structure and Strength Calculations

Bright Engineering did the detail engineering of the Noise Mitigation Screen Guiding Tool (NMS GT). The design was done according to Lloyd’s Register’s Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment. 

Based on IHC IQIP’s input our team in Islamabad did the full detail engineering including all the necessary finite element and analytical strength calculations. Impact analyses were done to evaluate the stresses resulting from the impact of the complete NMS on the guiding tool. 

During engineering we were able to make the NMS Guiding Tool a few meters shorter and considerably lighter than the previous version of the NMS GT. Valuable deck space was freed up and could be used for other purposes. A full package of fabrication drawings and GA drawings was made to help the client outsource the fabrication.

Year: 2017

Client: IHC IQIP